At the June meeting of County Committee it was decided that we would organise a Development Day where all clubs and all units of the Association in our county could meet over a longer period than usual to discuss, analyse and debate the way forward for our county teams. The context was a general disappointment from everyone involved in the county at the performance in this year’s championship of our various teams, and a collective desire to take whatever steps we agree are necessary to improve our on field performance.
That day has now been organised for Saturday 31st August, beginning at 9am in Dunsilly Hotel, Antrim and running to approximately 3pm. While there is no upper limit on attendees we would ask that each club is represented by at least an officer and one person who is involved in juvenile development. If there are members within your club who have a particular insight, or simply a strong view on what steps we need to take, then please encourage them to come. Please make every effort to ensure that your club is represented.
The members of Coiste Bainiste will be in attendance, as will those charged with working with our development squads. So, lets have the discussion and the debate, in a positive and open atmosphere. If you have a view this is the forum to have it heard.
The day will be structured, we will hear from representatives of other counties who have found success in recent years, and indeed from other sports who will outline their view on what it takes to succeed in sport the middle to long term. There will be a mixture of plenary sessions and workshops dedicated to hurling, football and the relationship between club and county.
If you have any query about the day please contact Brendan Mulgrew on pro.antrim@gaa.ie or phone 07767 393252
This is an important event in Antrim’s development, make sure you have your say!