Senior Hurling Championship Final Ticket Information Those who put their names forward for Stand Tickets can collect Thursday 13th @ 7pm in the gym. Any Remaining stand tickets will be available to buy in the gym from 7-30pm U16s enter for free unless purchasing a stand ticket Ordinary terrace tickets can be bought online as usual.
U15 Hurlers Win Division 1 County Feile nGael
Referees Wanted!

The Foundation Course for new referees will begin on Tuesday 1st March and Thursday 3rd March at 7pm to 9pm - Venue : Davitts GAC Belfast GET IN TOUCH NOW with Brendan Toland at email: to confirm attendance Why Become a GAA Referee? •Stay involved with the game as an alternative to playing •Fitness – It’s a great way to k...
Blood Donors Required!

The Northern Ireland Blood Transfusion Service is asking for our support. In Northern Ireland upwards of 850 units of blood are used by patients each week, yet 94% of the eligible population still do not give blood. Donated blood is usually transfused within three to four days of donation and we need to attract many new donors to ensure a safe supply of blood to our hospitals. Blood is u...
Yoga as Gaeilge For Seniors
Seachtain na Gaeilge
Presentation To St Killian's
Well Done St Killian Camogs

Congratulations to St Killian's Senior Camogie team who are through to an All Ireland Semi Final Scoil Cháitríona: 1 - 08 St Killian’s: 2 - 13 Well done girls! Read a Saffron Gael report of the match by clicking on the link:
Bloody Sunday 50th Anniversary

Sunday 30th Jan '22 marked the 50th anniversary of the day that during a Civil Rights protest, thirteen unarmed civilians were shot dead by British soldiers. A 14th death occurred months later as a result of injuries. They were simply innocent civilians protesting for the right to be free and equal in their own country. We remember: Jackie Duddy, aged 17 Michael Kell...
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