Reminder - Please return any AGM forms by this Sunday 16th Nov.
Nomination for any of the positions on the Executive Committee and for Junior Hurling Manager MUST be handed in by Sum 16th.
As interviews are held for the positions of Senior Manager and U21 Manager these names do not need to be in by Sunday 16th.
The Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday 7th December at 3pm in the Pavilion. Proposal and Nomination Forms are available to download in the 'DOWNLOADS' section of the Website, some copies are in
Kearneys Butchers.
To comply with GAA regulations 28 days notice must be given to our members of the AGM date and completed forms must be returned 21 days before the AGM. Please return completed forms to either Chairman Brian Kearney, Secretary Martin Magee or to Kearney's Butchers by Sunday 16th November.Reminder - Please return any AGM forms by this Sunday 16th Nov.
Nomination for any of the positions on the Executive Committee and for Junior Hurling Manager MUST be handed in by Sum 16th.
As interviews are held for the positions of Senior Manager and U21 Manager these names do not need to be in by Sunday 28th.
The Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday 7th December at 3pm in the Pavilion. Proposal and Nomination Forms are available to download in the 'DOWNLOADS' section of the Website.
To comply with GAA regulations 28 days notice must be given to our members of the AGM date and completed forms must be returned 21 days before the AGM. Please return completed forms to either Chairman Brian Kearney, Secretary Martin Magee or to Kearney's Butchers by Sunday 16th November.