Congratulations to Neil Mc Manus on winning Moyle District Council's Sportsperson of the Year award for 2013....
On Saturday November 16th the Annual Dinner Dance was held in The Glens Hotel. A crowd of just over 200 were really well looked and enjoyed the meal served by Martin and the staff of the hotel and after the awards DJ Gerry Mc Clean had the dancers on the floor. Hurling Award winners on the night were :- Minor Player of the year 2013: Dona...
A Cairde See below arrangements for hurling trial on Sun Nov 24th session in Dunloy. Players names listed below Session 1- Beginning at 10am All Players MUST be there for 9.45am Sharp Trainers only to be worn- Bring Hurls and helmets All Players should bring water This will be final trial. Coach contact ; Ciaran Kearney 07882 971658 Ronan Mc Kenna 07976...
Remember any nomination, proposal or recommendation Forms for the AGM must be with the Chairman, Fergus Mc Naughton or the Secretary Martin Magee today Monday by 7.30pm at the latest. Just to clarify: nominations for the senior, senior reserve, U21 and junior management positions should also be submitted before this deadline...
Ruairí Óg Minors beat Portaferry in the Ulster MHC Tournament semi-final in Ballinascreen on Sat 16th Nov winning on a score line of 3-08 to 1.11 in a very hard battle. The Final v Armagh Cuchulainns is on Sunday 1st December 2013 at 1pm, again in Ballinascreen. It will be another tough match and all support would be very much appreciated by the team and their management...
Ruairí Óg's AGM is Sunday 8th December. A number of officers have indicated they will be stepping down from office this year so it is important the membership ensures we have people to take their places and indeed contest all positions if possible. This means asking people who you feel are willing and able to serve Ruairí Óg CLG at executive or committ...