North Antrim U12 Airborne 2018 Each club will have to provide a referee and a score keeper so please remember whistles and notebooks / pens Note: Schedule is again tight - so please ensure teams / refs / scorekeepers are ready to go straight away after each match finishes Rules §...
Lá fhéile Pádraig sona dhaoibh
Gael Ruairí Óg Nuacht
Gael Ruairí Óg Nuacht As part of our "Seachtain na Gaeilge" BBC Radio Ulster are broadcasting LIVE from Ruairí Óg Clubrooms on Monday 12th March. The programme "Blas" will be on air from 7pm till 7.30pm and will be promoting the Irish Language and Culture of our area. Interviews will be in Irish and English, members of the Irish Class will provi...
Club Gear
Cairde Winners For March
John McAlister, Moyle transport £700 Roisin Mc Keegan. £200 Damien mcAlister £100 Jim mcCrory Meal Voucher...
Access NI
All coaches and executive members who have not yet completed their access ni forms must bring the completed forms along with a photocopy to The Glens Youth Club on Monday the 5th of March 7-8pm....
Ruairí ÓG Hurling & Camogie Juvenile Registration
Ruairí ÓG Hurling & Camogie Juvenile Registration Date: Thursday 1st March Time: 6.30pm – 8pm Venue: Pavilion *Please note that due to insurance requirements all players MUST be registered in order to play or train* ...
Antrim v Limerick
Fáilte go Páirc Mhuire Bun Abhann Dalla Important Parking & Entrance Information Everyone is most welcome to Cushendall on Sunday, especially our fellow Gaels travelling from Limerick, for the NHL Div 1B game Antrim v Limerick - Throw In 2pm Please leave plenty of time to get into the ground for the start of the game. Parking will be available both...
Ruairi Og Better Lifestyles Dance Off

Hot off the press and back by popular demand!! Date and time for our much anticipated Ruairi Og Better Lifestyles Dance Off. Come and see the 8 teams battle it out in front of the judges. Full bar facilities and disco to follow the main event!! Come and enjoy this legendary evening and support your club fundraiser and help us sustain and enhance our club. An event not to be missed!!!...
North Antrim U-14 Airborne Div 1 & 2
NORTH ANTRIM U14 AIRBORNE 2018 DIVISION 1 FIXTURES Venue: Dunloy Date / Time: Saturday 17th February 1pm-2:10pm Teams: Ruairi Og, Loughguile, Ballcastle, Oisin & Dunloy Note: All matches 6 minutes straight through Teams Start Finish Ref Score Keeper Oisin 1 V Loughguile 1 1:00 1:06 Dunloy Ruairi Og Dunloy 1 V Ruairi Og 1 1:07 1:13 Oisin Loughguile Ruairi Og 1...