Ruairi Og hurling and camogie clubs will be recognised at this year's Moyle Sports Awards. Our senior hurlers have scooped Team Of The Year and our Minor Camogiers have taken the special merit award. The awards will be presented on Saturday the 6th of December at the Sports Awards Annual Dinner in Ballycastle Golf Club....
U16 & Minor Hurlers trip to Kilkenny
U16 & Minor Hurlers visit to Kilkenny & Tipperary Sat 22nd Nov & Sun 23rd. There will be a meeting tonight Wednesday 19th Nov at 6.30pm sharp in the pavilion. Please bring your £20 to help with the cost of the trip. If you cannot attend please pay the £20 to Niall Kearney or Martin Magee before the meeting....
Ruairí Óg Hurler wins at Martial Arts
Minor League Hurling Final
Please note the Match is now NOT on. We have been officially informed by CCC that Rossa won't be fielding tonight. Advice from the Ahoghill GAA club - When travelling to the Minor League Hurling Final some of the roads will have a closed sign on them. This only applies to roadworks during daytime hours and the roads are open in the evenings. Don't follow the diversion signs. ...
AGM Nominations
Reminder - Please return any AGM forms by this Sunday 16th Nov. Nomination for any of the positions on the Executive Committee and for Junior Hurling Manager MUST be handed in by Sum 16th. As interviews are held for the positions of Senior Manager and U21 Manager these names do not need to be in by Sunday 16th. The Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday 7th December...
Save The Dal
U16 Development Hurling Squad
As our seniors have a small break, our lads on the U16 County Development Squad the 2015 season has just begun! Ruairí Sharpe, Ed Mc Quillan, Seamus Og Mc Curry and Eoin Magee took part in a strength & conditioning session on Sunday. Liam Gillan, Conall Mc Ateer, Francis Mc Curry and Scott Walsh are also involved but were unable to take part on Sunday. ...
ROBL 15 News
An message about how to enrol for ROBL 15 will be put on social media tonight af 8.30pm and will also be printed in this weeks mass bulletin. Names WONT be collected through Facebook. ...
The Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday 7th December at 3pm in the Pavilion. Proposal and Nomination Forms are available to download in the 'DOWNLOADS' section of the Website. To comply with GAA regulations 28 days notice must be given to our members of the AGM date and completed forms must be returned 21 days before the AGM. Please return completed forms to either Chairman ...
Minor Hurling League Playoff
Minor Hurling Div 1 League semifinal - Sun 9th Nov in Ballymena at 12pm Ruairí Óg v St Johns - All support welcome...