Due to the large demand - Names must be in by Sunday 8th January 2017 by 6pm
Start date and the 1st Weigh in is now Wednesday 18th January and each on each Wednesday night and on each of the Wednesday's after that. Registration is still Thursday 12th January.
This year, if you want, you can still be part of a team and take part in all the events and activities but not have you weight count towards your teams weekly & final total weight loss - you can still get weighed in each week so as you can keep track of your progress.
If you are over 16 and would like to sign up to this year's programme for some fun and health benefits please search for the closed Facebook group ROBL 17 and ask to join or text your name to 07519 001352 or 07711 725676
The link below should take you to it
We are delighted to announce that the club will run our 4th ROBL programme - which is our main Health & Wellbeing event.
ROBL 17 will have a registration night on Thursday 12th Jan and will start on Wednesday 18th January for 7 weeks. The cost is £50 payable by Wednesday 18th January.
The programme is in the process of being finalised and we hope to have some amendments included - we will again have an over 50's team - full details will be announced at the registration night.
Whilst there may be some changes - having fun whilst becoming healthier remain the two key aims.
Please note that this group will only be for those who register for the programme.
Take time for friends...
they are the source of happiness.
Take time for work...
it is the price of success.
Take time to think...
it is the source of power.
Take time to read...
it is the foundation of knowledge.
Take time to laugh...
it is the singing that helps with life's loads.
Take time to love...
it is the one sacrament of life.
Take time to dream...
it hitches the soul to the stars.
Take time to play...
it is the secret of youth.