Ruairí Óg CLG has two Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) within the club grounds. One is located inside the club house, the other is located outside, to enable local community access when the club house is not in use. We hope never to have to activate these life saving devices, but we have them readily available and easily accessible. At present we have approximately 20 certified AED trained responders within the club. This equipment is also available for community First Responders, Emergency Care personnel and healthcare staff to utilise in an emergency.
The club defibrillator
is registered with Northern Ireland Ambulance Service. Instructions to
access the defib box are on the outside of the wall-mounted box. Marie Hayden, Health and Well-being
Officer for Ruairí Óg routinely checks that both machines are prepared and ready
for use.
Training in AED use for the club and community will recommence post Covid. Anyone interested in updating their certificates or learning how to use an AED can contact Marie via the Ruairí Óg Health and Welbeing Facebook page.