Some of you may have heard this on the radio but in July the NSPCC had launched an ‘Underwear Rule’ campaign to help parents protect their children from sexual abuse. Aimed at helping support parents and carers to explain how to make it easier to have conversations with primary school age children about sexual abuse, the campaign materials are age appropriate and child friendly and are available to view and download on the NSPCC’s website (below). The NSPCC has developed an easy-to-remember guide – Talk PANTS – that helps children understand the key points of the Rule.
Building on this the NSPCC will be launching campaign targeted at young people on the 23rd of September around awareness of sexting. We would be grateful if you could consider supporting this by communicating information out to young people involved in your sport around this time either through hosting on your facebook page, hosting on your web site or through an article in any newsletter you may have targeted at young people in your sport.
Please let me know if this is something you believe you would be able to do.
(www.nspcc.org.uk/underwearrule) http://www.nspcc.org.uk/help-and-advice/for-parents/keeping-your-child-safe/the-underwear-rule/the-underwear-rule_wda97016.html
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