Bikes for Madagascar
We need your bikes for Madagascar – phase 2
The 370 bikes that Bike Aid* sent by container to Madagascar** last winter have arrived and were distributed successfully. So, many thanks to all who donated bikes, helped repair the bikes or donated money to cover the substantial shipping costs.
Second Container in Preparation; Our parent charity, Adsum*** plans to ship another container of bikes, clothes etc to Madagascar, this autumn. So, we need you to donate any bikes which you or family members no longer use.
What sort of bikes? We need bikes that you have stopped using and that are realistically repairable. Most old bikes can be fixed up with a few hours of service but if they are very rusted or decayed, they are generally not repairable by us.
How to get them to us? You can deliver them to 3 Timbey Park, Belfast BT73BT (Behind Ormeau Bakery) or text either David Macaulay on 07802 660 433 or Brendan McCartan on 07788 108 727 to arrange collection/delivery (we have collection points all round NI).
* Bike Aid has been sending bikes to Africa for more than 15 years
** Madagascar is the world’s 4th Poorest country
*** Adsum, a N Ireland charity in the past 7 years has built more than 25 schools, is drilling over 100 wells improving health and much more in Madagascar