On Tuesday evening, a cheque for £1000.00 was presented by Chris Barrett to Club Chairman, Dan Delargy.
Chris’s very kind donation will go towards the Clubs Health and Well Being Groups purchase of a replacement defibrillator.
The Barrett Family and extended family have been involved throughout several generations of the Club’s history.
Chris as a past player and life-long follower of the club, wanted to give something back to his club and the local community.
Go raibh mile maith agat a Chris.
Missing from the photo is Michael McCambridge, Claire Burke and Sinéad Black who are part of the HWB committee….
The HWB committee are looking at new projects for the incoming year and as part of their educational development have a Heart Start and First Aid programme organised.
Also organised is a Mental Health programme funded by the Public Health Agency and a drop-in clinic for Covid vaccination takes place on 28th August.
The HWB committee members can be contacted through the club face book page or through any of the committee members.